
Data Dictionary: E

# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

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Edit Trades
Effective Duration
Email Address
Email Address (service teams setting)
Empty Issue State Label
Enable Action Background Colors
Enable Amortization Calculation
Enable Beta Features
Enable Ownership Reporting
Enable Pershing Documents
Enable Portal Access
Enable Read-Only Documents Page
Enable Sleeve Reporting
Enabled for FIX Flyer
Enabled for Sleeve Level Reporting
End Date
End Date (announcements)
End Quantity
Ending Value
Entry Date
Equity Per Share Commission
Equity Per Trade Commission
Equity Trade File Format
Excess Gross Return
Exclude All Securities Added to the Cash Settings Page
Exclude Flows That Adjust the Bill By Less Than
Exclude Flows Under $X or X% of the Billable Value
Exclude From Billable Value
Exclude From Billing
Exclude From Performance
Exclude or Only Include Records Involving These Securities (bulk report option)
Exclude or Only Include Transactions Involving These Securities (report setting)
Exclude Zero Commission Trades From Purchases/Sales and Turnover
Excluded Securities
Execution Time
Exempt from Commission Fee
Exempt From Redemption Fee
Expenses Excluding Revenue
Expenses Percent of Account
Expiration Date
Expiration Date (securities setting)
Export to Advisor Rebalancing After Import
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Extended Description