
Benchmark Override (Accounts)

Benchmark Override allows you to override the benchmark applied to a specific category. This setting, available on the Category Overrides panel, allows you to override the benchmark for that category specific to an individual account or group. In addition, the Category Overrides panel lets you rename categories specifically for individual accounts or groups, and changes made on this panel will only show on that account or group's reports. This lets you change a individual client's category name from Equities to Stocks, for example, if that's their preference.

If you override a category name within an account or group, Benchmark Override is optional and may be left as the default benchmark.

Once you select a Category type, you can then choose the Category you want to override, and then click Add Category. You can provide the name for that category you want to show on reports under Category Name Override.

If you would like this feature enabled, please contact Customer Support at 866.525.8811 and choose option 3.

For more information on creating your firm's security categories, see Security Categories.