
Bond Ratings (Securities)

Bond ratings define the level of risk associated with a bond. Risk is the chance that a holder will receive all promised payments on the bond.

These settings allow you to set a bond's ratings with each agency. You can then see these ratings on the Bond Analysis report.

The following are some of the ratings you'll get when you select each option.

Agency Rating
Fitch AAA, AA+, AA, AA-, etc.
Moody's Aaa, Aa1, Aa2, Aa3, etc.
S&P AAA, AA+, AA, AA-, etc.

Add a Bond Rating

To add a rating:

  1. Click Add.

  2. Complete the following settings:

    Setting What it does

    Designates what agency you're adding a rating for. You can choose:

    • Fitch
    • Moody's
    • S&P

    Select the rating that applies to the security. The type of rating varies depending on the agency selected. 

    Effective Date

    The date the rating was applied to the security. You can see historical ratings, which is based on Effective Date.

    Use Inception Date Select this check box to apply the rating to the security from its inception onward.
  3. Click Add.

Learn More

For more information about maintaining securities, see Maintain Securities.

For more information about using securities, see Learn More About Assets, Liabilities, Securities, and Categories.