
Learn More About Assets, Liabilities, Securities and Categories

Assets and Liabilities

Learn More About Assets and Liabilities

Learn about how you can add external assets and liabilities to Tamarac for a holistic view of clients' financial lives.


Maintain Securities

Learn more about adding new securities as well as changing individual settings for each of your securities.

Securities Page Actions, Views, and Filters

Learn more about creating and using views on the Securities page, as well as ways you can filter the page.

Manual Security Snapshots Page Actions, Views, and Filters

Learn more about creating and using views on the Securities page, as well as ways you can filter the page.

Manual Securities and Manual Security Snapshots

When you manage your security information in Tamarac Reporting, you also have the option to create manual securities for items such as real estate or an LLC. Manual securities will appear on your reports and will allow you to track all your assets in one place.

Committed Capital Securities

Learn the steps to create and track committed capital in Tamarac Reporting.

Cash Settings

Learn how to customize the display of cash returns in Tamarac Reporting.

Settings for Cash Settings

Learn about the specific settings used to customize the display of cash returns in Tamarac Reporting.

How Manual Security Snapshot Fields Display on the Committed Capital Report

Learn how various manual security snapshot settings can impact the values you see on the Committed Capital report.

Include or Exclude a Manual Security Snapshot in Reports

Learn how to include or exclude a manual security from reports.

Find the Value of a Manual Security

Learn how to see the dollar value of a manual security return in manual security snapshots.

Security Custom Fields

You can add custom fields to securities to track additional data not already covered by existing fields. Learn more about creating and using these custom fields within security records.

Custom Fields for Accounts, Groups, Households, and Securities

Is there information you want to track in Tamarac, but there's no existing field for that information? For example, maybe you want to track your client classification (bronze, gold and platinum). You can create custom fields for accounts, reporting groups, Households, and securities so that you won't be limited to only the available fields.


Security Categories

You have the option to add up to 19 custom category types. This feature gives you greater control over how you classify your securities and present them to your clients.

Change the Order That Category Types or Categories Appear on Reports

Control the order that categories appear on your reports.

Category Type Settings

Learn about the settings available for security categories.