
How Manual Security Snapshot Fields Display on the Committed Capital Report


How Manual Security Snapshot Fields Display on the Committed Capital Report

A Note About Signs

Total Inflows and Total Outflows and Manual Security Snapshot Settings


How Manual Security Snapshot Fields Display on the Committed Capital Report

When creating manual security snapshots and running the Committed Capital report, a variety of settings interact with each other. If you've ever asked, "What happens on the Committed Capital report when I add interest paid and mark it as reinvested in the manual security snapshot?" this page is for you.

The following manual security snapshot settings do not impact values in the Committed Capital report and are excluded from this table:

A Note About Signs

The following table shows what happens to values reported on the Committed Capital report when you put a positive value in a manual security snapshot setting. When you enter a negative number in the manual security snapshot settings, on the Committed Capital report, you'll see the opposite of the sign indicated in the table. For example, if you enter a negative number in the manual security snapshot Contributions field, Capital Called will be negative on the Committed Capital report.

In this table:

For example, when you enter a positive value in Return of Principal in the manual security snapshot, on the Committed Capital report:

Manual Security snapshot Setting Committed Capital Report Column  
Capital Called Committed Capital Cost Basis Distributions to Date Other Contributions Reinvested Distributions Remaining Capital Returns of Principal Dividends Paid

Committed Capital Panel (Account panel)

  The same value entered in Manual Security Snapshot         +    
Total Market Value check box                  
Reset Cost Basis check box     The same value entered in Manual Security Snapshot            
Return Of Principal     - +       +  
Contributions / Capital Called +   +         -  
Other Contributions     +   +        
Withdrawals / Distributions       +          
Interest Paid       +          
Interest Paid (reinvested)     +            
Dividends Paid       +         +
Dividends Paid (reinvested)     +            
Long Term Gains       +          
Long Term Gains (reinvested)     +            
Short Term Realized Gains       +          
Short Term Realized Gains (reinvested)     +            
Reinvested Distributions (also used for recallable distributions)     + + if recallable  


(- if recallable)

+ if recallable -  

Total Inflows and Total Outflows and Manual Security Snapshot Settings

The following table outlines the impact of entering a positive value in various manual security snapshot settings on total inflows and total outflows.

Manual Security snapshot Setting Committed Capital Report Column
Total Inflows Total Outflows
Total Market Value check box If check box is cleared, fees and reinvested income are counted as a flow out of the value of the fund.  
Return Of Principal - if negative + if positive
Contributions / Capital Called   +
Other Contributions   +
Withdrawals / Distributions + if negative + if positive