
Show Returns As (Percentage or Dollar)


How Show Return As Percentage or Dollar Works

In Dynamic Reports

In PDF Reports

Reports With This Setting

Related Settings


How Show Return As Percentage or Dollar Works

Applies to:
✔ Dynamic ✔ PDF

✔ Client Portal

The Account Performance line chart always shows time-weighted returns (TWR). This setting allows you to choose how to display that return: As either a dollar change with a basis of $100, or percent change starting at 0%. Use of this setting is entirely a matter of preference. Some firms will create two side-by-side reports, one with percentage and one with dollar, for easy interpretation.

This setting works in conjunction with Date Period and either Use Inception Date (PDF reports) or Use Date or Date Period as Title (dynamic reports).

In Dynamic Reports

In PDF Reports

Functionality is the same in the PDF report templates as in dynamic reports. In PDF reports, this setting is associated with the Date Period option.

Reports With This Setting

Performance Reports

Related Settings

The following setting interacts with this option: