
Show Line Chart


How Show Line Chart Works

Displays for Linked Returns and Missing Intervals

In Dynamic Reports

In PDF Reports

Reports With This Setting

Related Settings


How Show Line Chart Works

Applies to:
✔ Dynamic ✔ PDF ✔ Client Portal

Many of our reports offer a variety of ways to visually display the data. One option you'll see on several reports is the ability to see the data as a line chart.

This setting allows you to show a line chart of performance for accounts, groups, categories, benchmarks, or indexes on the report, then select whether they are shown in percentage or dollars.

Displays for Linked Returns and Missing Intervals

When reporting on a linked return, the line chart shows all available data. In this case, on days where intervals are broken or missing, you'll notice:

In Dynamic Reports

In PDF Reports

In PDF reports, this chart is sampled at the following rates:

Functionality is the same in the PDF report templates as in dynamic reports.

When using this setting in PDF reports, the following settings appear:

Reports With This Setting

Related Settings

For more information about setting up how charts look in dynamic reports, see Site Themes. For more information about setting up PDF template themes, see Understanding PDF Themes.

See also: