
Show Return or Net Investment Gain


How Show Return or Net Investment Gain Works

Cash and Net Investment Gain

Example: Compute Investment Gain

In Dynamic Reports

In PDF Reports

Reports With This Setting

Related Settings


How Show Return or Net Investment Gain Works

Applies to:
✔ Dynamic ✔ PDF

✔ Client Portal

This setting allows you to choose, for any specific date period, whether to show performance in terms of internal rate of return (IRR), in percent; or as net investment gain, in dollars. 

This setting works in conjunction with Date Period and either Use Inception Date (PDF reports) or Use Date or Date Period as Title (dynamic reports).


When you select Show: net investment gain, the category-level and security-level investment gain numbers will respect their applicable cash settings.

If you have selected to Always show gross return or Do not include in return for cash settings, the sum of all category-level investment gains may not equal the account's total investment gain.

For more information, see:

Cash and Net Investment Gain

Cash settings can only be applied at the security and category level.

Cash settings are applied to net investment gain. This includes the following:

When reporting on cash, your cash settings configuration impacts net investment gain reporting, as follows:

Cash Setting Impact to Net Investment Gain Reporting
Show gross return Tamarac treats management fees as outflows instead of investment loss.
Do not include in return Tamarac omits the category or security from the calculation.

Example: Compute Investment Gain

For example, assume you begin the period with $100 cash, then you pay a $1 management fee, and subsequently end the period with $99. The net investment gain is -$1.00.

However, if your cash settings are set to always report gross return at the security level and category level, the resulting investment gains will be computed as follows:

Level Investment Gain Is Reported At Investment Gain Reported
Cash security level $0.00
Cash category level $0.00
Account level -$1.00

In Dynamic Reports

When you edit this option, you can also choose to designate how returns are reported—either as percentage or dollar—on the bar chart for the Account Performance report.

In PDF Reports

Functionality is the same in the PDF report templates as in dynamic reports. In PDF reports, this setting is associated with the Date Period option.

Reports With This Setting

Performance Reports

Related Settings

The following settings are related: