
Display Changes to Benchmark Assignments


How Display Changes to Benchmark Assignments Works

In Dynamic Reports and Client Portals

In PDF Reports

Reports With This Setting

Related Settings


How Display Changes to Benchmark Assignments Works

Applies to:
✔ Dynamic ✔ PDF ✔ Legacy Client Portal

✔ New Client Portal

When you change a benchmark for an account, Tamarac Reporting gives you the option of retaining the history of all benchmarks that have been assigned to the account by appending the new benchmark history to the previous benchmark history. For example, if the benchmark changed from Benchmark 1 to Benchmark 2 on 5/23/2007, the performance report before 5/23/2007 will show returns for Benchmark 1 and after 5/23/2007 will show returns for Benchmark 2.

This setting allows you to display on the line chart when benchmarks applied to an account were changed. You might choose to do this if you want to help explain unexpected changes in benchmarks.

In Dynamic Reports and Client Portals

On dynamic reports and in on-screen client portal report pages, hover over the line to see which benchmark applies at that point.

The change in benchmark is marked with a small triangle (▲) symbol on the benchmark line. The symbol can be difficult to see if your theme displays benchmarks in a light color. If you want to display benchmark changes, we recommend that you set the benchmark color to a dark color in your theme.

In PDF Reports

On PDF line charts, Tamarac marks changes to benchmarks with letters. The legend tells which benchmark corresponds to each letter and the date range for how long the benchmark applied.

Reports With This Setting

Transaction Reports

Related Settings

For more information about benchmarks, see Benchmarks.

For more information about naming benchmarks, see Account Benchmark Display in System Settings.

The following settings interact with this option: