
Group By (Account Performance Report)

Use this setting to control what data the Account Performance report shows. Choose Account to see returns for the account or group, or choose from a list of any of your firm's security categories to see category-level returns.

Your Group by selection determines the names of other settings, including Show account/category returns and Include ____ accounts/categories.

You won't see Group by if you set Show performance for to Index only.

Dynamic Report Group By

On the dynamic Account Performance, the Group by setting applies to the line chart, the bar chart, and the table.

Group by Account

Use this setting to display the account returns and, if applicable, account benchmark returns on the Account Performance report.

In this example, Show account returns is cleared, so the Account Performance report charts display only returns for the group, while the table includes details for each account in the group.

Group by Security Category

Use this setting to display the category returns and, if applicable, category benchmark returns on the Account Performance report.

In this example, the report is set to group by Security Type. Show category returns is cleared, so the Account Performance report charts display only returns for the group and the allocation weighted benchmark, while the table includes details for each Security Type held in the group.

PDF Report Group By

On the PDF report section and the PDF Dashboard section, you can configure different Group By options for the Detailed Performance, Bar Chart, and Line Chart sections.

Detailed Performance Section

In the Account Performance PDF report section, you'll see Group by/then by in the Detailed Performance section. This controls the data you see in the table, and depending on how you set it up, you can group by multiple levels.

You can set Group by/then by to:

Bar Chart or Line Chart Section

In the Bar Chart and Line Chart sections, you'll see Group By. This controls the data you see in the charts. When you select Account or a category, you can control how many accounts or categories you see on the chart with Include ___ accounts/categories.

You can set Group By to:

For more information about the Account Performance report, see Account Performance report.

For more information about running reports, see The Basics of Working With Reports and Understanding PDF Reports.