
Show Performance For (Account or Index)


How Show Performance For Account or Index Only Works

In Dynamic Reports

Show Performance For: Account

Show Performance For: Index Only

In PDF Reports

Show Performance For: Account

Show Performance For: Index Only

Reports With This Setting

Related Settings


How Show Performance For Account or Index Only Works

Applies to:
✔ Dynamic ✔ PDF

✔ Client Portal

This setting allows you to choose whether you want to show an account or group's performance, or just the performance for an index or indexes. This setting allows you to also compare accounts against benchmarks and indexes, among other options.

The Index Only setting allows you to essentially create your own market reports, displaying whatever slice of the market you want to provide market context in client reports.

In Dynamic Reports

Show Performance For: Account

When you select the Account option on the Account Performance report, the following settings appear:

For each section of the report, the report displays the performance of the account or group, direct member accounts or categories, and any benchmarks or indexes added.

Line chart

Bar Chart


All report view column and date period settings are used.

Show Performance For: Index Only

When you select the Index only option on the Account Performance report, the following settings appear:

For each section of the report, the report displays only performance for indexes added.

Line chart

Bar Chart


In PDF Reports

Functionality is the same in the PDF report templates as in dynamic reports.

Show Performance For: Account

When you select the Account option on the Account Performance PDF report, you configure which sections the report includes: a detailed table, a line chart, or a bar chart. Each section has its own settings configurations.

For more information on settings and options for each section, see:

For each section of the report, the account performance and performance of any indexes added are displayed.

Bar Chart

Line chart


Show Performance For: Index Only

When you select the Index Only option on the Account Performance PDF report, the following smaller subset of settings is available:

Display Settings

Detailed Performance

Bar Chart

Line Chart

Comparison Indexes

For each section of the report, only performance for indexes added are displayed.

Bar Chart

Line chart


Reports With This Setting

Performance Reports

Related Settings

For more information about calculating performance, see Learn More About Calculations.

For more information on themes, see Learn More About Report & Site Appearance.