
Include Additional Indexes


How Include Additional Indexes Works

In Dynamic Reports

In PDF Reports

Reports With This Setting

Related Settings


How Include Additional Indexes Works

Applies to:
✔ Dynamic ✔ PDF

✔ Client Portal

This setting allows you to add the performance any of the firm's available indexes, custom indexes, or blended indexes as a data point for comparison with the account's performance.

You might use this setting if you want to compare an account or group to an index that isn't the usual index for that account or group. For example, if there's substantial movement in the market and you want to create a temporary report to show how your accounts did in comparison to the overall market, you might add the S&P 500 as an additional index to the report.

The index reporting period always aligns with reporting period.

In Dynamic Reports

In PDF Reports

The Additional Indexes section allows you to add indexes to the PDF report. Functionality is the same once indexes have been added.

To add an index to the PDF report:

  1. Type the desired title into Section Title.

  2. Add desired indexes.

For example, the Dow Jones Global Moderate index was added to this report.

Reports With This Setting

Performance Reports

Related Settings

For more information about indexes, see List of Available Indexes.