
Learn More About Report & Site Appearance

Report Appearance

Account Benchmark Display

Learn how to customize how reports display the name of benchmarks.

Customize Account Display Configuration

Learn how to customize how reports display accounts.

Customize Terminology for Managed/Unmanaged Assets

You can choose the terminology used for managed and unmanaged assets in your reports. For example, you may prefer to change the default terms "Managed Assets" and "Unmanaged Assets" to "Supervised Holdings" and "Unsupervised Holdings."

Customize the Name of Column Headings for Reports

Learn how to customize column headers for both PDF reports and dynamic reports.

Dynamic Report Disclosure

Learn how to add disclosures to reports.

Fixed Income Display Configuration

Learn how to display more detailed fixed income information on reports.

PDF Batch Options

Learn how to control how many PDF reports are saved in a ZIP file when you generate many PDF reports at one time.

Ticker Links

Learn now how to enable or disable ticker links for reports.

Learn More About Saved Searches, Benchmarks, & Dates

Learn about how to create and use saved searches, benchmarks, indexes, and dates and date periods that appear in all the reports in Tamarac.

Site Appearance


Themes allow you to change the colors and options used in pie charts, bar charts, line charts, and the menu bar. Unlike PDF themes, report themes apply to dynamic, PDF reports, client portals, and reports in the mobile app.

Theme Settings

Learn about all the settings you can configure for site themes.

Assign a Site Theme to a Client View

Learn how to add a site theme to a client portal.

Assign a Site Theme to a PDF Theme

Learn how to add a site theme to a client portal.

Default Site Themes

See the default system site themes.

Theme Data Element Example

See on a sample report with each theme element marked.