
Account Benchmark Display



Display When the Benchmark Stays the Same Through the Whole Period

Display When a Benchmark Changes in the Period

Mark Benchmark Changes on Reports



When assign a market index to an account as a benchmark, you want the label on the report to tell you two things:

  1. What is the name of the index?

  2. Is this the primary index? Secondary index? etc.

The Account Benchmark Display section allows you to:

Display When the Benchmark Stays the Same Through the Whole Period

By default, if an index was used as the benchmark for the entire reporting period, reports label the benchmark as a combination of the index name and the benchmark display name:

Index name + benchmark name

For example, an index is called S&P 500 Composite. It is set as Benchmark 1. The benchmark display name for Benchmark 1 is Primary Benchmark. On reports, the benchmark is labeled S&P 500 Composite (Primary Benchmark).

Display When a Benchmark Changes in the Period

If the account benchmark index changed partway through the reporting period, reports display only the benchmark's default display name:

Benchmark name

For example, an index is called S&P 500 Composite. It is set as Benchmark 1 for part of the reporting period. Then Benchmark 1 is changed to the Wilshire 5000 Total Market index for the rest of the reporting period. The benchmark display name for Benchmark 1 is Primary Benchmark. On reports, the benchmark is labeled Primary Benchmark for the period when two different indexes were applied.

Mark Benchmark Changes on Reports

In some reports, you can indicate when a benchmark index changed. For more information, see Display Changes to Benchmark Assignments.

To configure the number of benchmarks you want, follow these steps:

  1. On the Setup menu, click System Settings.

  2. Under Account Benchmark Display, select the check box in the Enabled column for each benchmark you want to enable.

  3. In the text box next to each benchmark, type a display name for the benchmark. This name will appear next to the benchmark name on your reports. For more information about benchmark names, see Account Benchmark Display in System Settings.

  1. Click Save.