
Security Type

This security classification that controls many of the fields and options available for the security, including how the security is reported. Each security type offers different settings, such as qualified status, description, interest rate, dividend dates, etc. For more information, see Maintain Securities.

These are the supported security types: 

Security Type Details
Equities Common stock, preferred stock, and warrants.
CDs Certificates of deposit and interest-bearing commercial paper.
Commercial Paper Discounted commercial paper.
Fixed Income Treasury bonds, treasury notes, corporate bonds, municipal bonds, notes, zero coupon bonds, fixed annuities.
Cash & Money Funds Money market mutual funds, bank money funds.
Manual Often used for alternative investment you want to report on alongside more conventional assets.
Mortgage-backed GNMA, FHLMC, FNMA mortgage pass-through securities, and CMOs.
Mutual Funds Mutual funds (except money market mutual funds) and closed-end funds.
Options Option calls and puts, but not futures.
T-Bills Treasury bills.
Unit Trusts Unit Investment Trusts (UITs), including GNMA unit trusts.
User Defined Limited partnerships, insurance, variable annuities, real estate, and REITs.