
Show Transactions/Summary Data, With the Chart For


How Show Transactions/Summary Data, With the Chart For Works

In Dynamic Reports

Show Summary or Transactions Data

With The Chart For

In PDF Reports

Reports With This Setting

Related Settings


How Show Transactions/Summary Data, With the Chart For Works

Applies to:
✔ Dynamic PDF

Client Portal

These settings allow you to designate how the capital flows data are displayed on the Capital Flows dashboard report. The dashboard report sections have all the same settings as the selected section in the Capital Flows report.

You would choose to use the Capital Flows dashboard report if you're looking for quick, at-a-glance access to specific information about flows.

To learn more about dashboard reports, see Learn More About the Reporting Dashboard.

In Dynamic Reports

The Capital Flows dashboard includes two different sections you can display: a data table and a chart.

Show Summary or Transactions Data

The Show ___ Data list allows you to show or hide a data table, and to set what data the table displays. This list is based on the sections added to the dynamic Capital Flows report that the dashboard is based on. If your dynamic report is only set to display one of these table types, only that type will be available in the list.

With The Chart For

The With the chart for list allows you to show a chart and set what data the chart displays. This list is based on the sections added to the dynamic Capital Flows report that the dashboard is based on. If your dynamic report is only set to display one of these chart types, only that chart will be available in the list.

In PDF Reports

This setting is not available for PDF reports.

Reports With This Setting

Transaction Reports

Related Settings

The following setting interacts with this option: