
Show Transactions


How Show Transactions Works

In Dynamic Reports

In PDF Reports

Reports With This Setting

Related Settings


How Show Transactions Works

Applies to:
✔ Dynamic ✔ PDF

✔ Client Portal

This setting allows you to add a transactions table to the bottom of the Capital Flows report.

When you select this check box, Tamarac will add a table with the following transaction types to the report, regardless of whether the securities are marked as managed/unmanaged:

You might choose to show transactions if you want to provide extra detail to the capital flows charts. This will be especially useful over a shorter date period or if an account doesn't tend to have many transactions. For example, on a very active account, showing all transactions might work for a short date period but for a longer period, it might be prohibitively long.

In Dynamic Reports

When you select the Show transactions check box on the Capital Flows report, the following settings appear:

In PDF Reports

Functionality is the same in the PDF report templates as in dynamic reports.

Reports With This Setting

Transaction Reports

Related Settings

The following settings and processes interact with this setting: