
Show Summary


How Show Summary Works

In Dynamic Reports

In PDF Reports

Full PDF Report Section

PDF Dashboard Section

Reports With This Setting


How Show Summary Works

Applies to:
✔ Dynamic ✔ PDF

✔ Client Portal

This setting allows you to include a summary table on the Capital Flows report that displays the following data:

The columns displayed and column order are not customizable.

This table is useful for seeing net contribution, allowing you to review with end clients when investments and withdrawals were made and effect that those had. For example, when working with clients in retirement who are taking regular withdrawals, you can use this to evaluate the impact of those withdrawals.


A maximum of 52 groupings will be shown in the Summary. If your summary data includes more than 52 groupings, the Summary section will not be displayed.

In Dynamic Reports

When you select the Show summary check box on the Capital Flows report, the you can choose to Include Date Period With No Flows.

In PDF Reports

Full PDF Report Section

Functionality is the same in the full PDF report template as in dynamic reports.

PDF Dashboard Section

When you add the Capital Flows report to one of the PDF Dashboard panels, you can choose to add one of the three Capital Flows sections to the panel. The options are:

For more information on the account value vs. net investment chart or summary chart, see Show Account Value vs. Net Investment Chart and Show Summary Chart Based On.

When you add the summary table, the following additional settings are available:

Reports With This Setting

Transaction Reports PDF-Specific Reports