
Group Summary Data By


How Group Summary Data By Works

In Dynamic Reports

In PDF Reports

Reports With This Setting


How Group Summary Data By Works

Applies to:
✔ Dynamic ✔ PDF

✔ Client Portal

This setting allows you to choose how you want to group the summary data in the summary chart and summary section of the report.

You would choose to group summary data based on the time period of the report and the level of granularity you want. If you're reporting from inception to date, grouping summary data by day will result in a chart with a lot of tiny bars, which may not be the most useful. Grouping by year, on the other hand, will provide a chart that is easier to interpret. Similarly, if you're reporting on a single quarter, you might choose to group by week or month.

In Dynamic Reports

When the report is grouped by Year, the net contributions for each year are divided by the starting value of that year— Inception to date will rarely generate a contribution rate because the calculation will almost always involve dividing by zero.

The Summary chart bar graph shows only date periods with flows.

The Summary table can be set to show date periods without flows using the Include date periods with no flows check box.

You can choose any of the following date ranges:

In PDF Reports

Functionality is the same in the PDF report templates as in dynamic reports.

Reports With This Setting

Transaction Reports