
Recent Trades Report



Why Use the Recent Trades Report?

See the Recent Trades Report in Action

Features of the Recent Trades Report

Include Custom Fields

Set the Date Period

Add Recent Trades to the Reporting Dashboard

Recent Trades Report Settings

Report Actions



Applies to:
Dynamic ✔ PDF Mobile Client Portal

The Recent Trades report is a PDF-only report that provides a summary of all trades that were executed for the time period specified. This report is helpful for transparency, keeping clients fully informed about what trades occurred when.

Why Use the Recent Trades Report?

In the Recent Trades report, you will find options that let you answer questions about trades within groups and accounts such as:

See the Recent Trades Report in Action

An advisor wants to show a simple summary of trades that occurred in accounts for the date period. The Recent Trades report provides basic trade information for an overall summary of trades in each account.

Features of the Recent Trades Report

The Recent Trades report settings offer straightforward configuration for displaying all trades that occurred in an account or group, including the following.

Include Custom Fields

Add custom fields and some standard reporting data points as additional columns.

Set the Date Period

Show transactions for any of your firm's date periods.

For more information about the difference between dynamic and PDF reports, see Introduction to Reports.

Add Recent Trades to the Reporting Dashboard

There is no Recent Trades dashboard report available because the report is only available as a PDF report.

Recent Trades Report Settings

The following settings are available for the Recent Trades report. Click the setting name for more details.

Setting Details Available In...
PDF Report
Section Title Designate what the section will be called in the PDF report. X
Theme Designate what theme the section will use. X
Header and Footer Choose a unique header and footer for the section or use defaults. X
Include Page Break After This Section

Control where page breaks occur in PDF reports.

Account Grouping Control grouping of accounts and groups. X

Date Period

Select the date period you want to use for the report. X
Available/Selected Columns Choose which columns are included, in what order. X

Report Actions

To learn more about reports in Tamarac, see Introduction to Reports.

To learn more about how to generate a report, change the data displayed, print or export the report data, and more, see Basics of Working With Reports.

To learn more about creating and using PDF reports, see Understanding PDF Reports and Workflow: Generate a PDF Report.