
Include Page Break After This Section


How Include Page Break After This Section Works

Special Behavior for Reports

In Dynamic Reports

In PDF Reports

Reports With This Setting


How Include Page Break After This Section Works

Applies to:
Dynamic ✔ PDF

Client Portal

Use this setting to control where page breaks occur in PDF reports. By default, a page break follows each report section, but this setting allows you to shorten reports by including multiple sections on one page.

To help you keep track of which sections have page breaks, dotted lines provide information about page break configuration for each report section.

Child templates never show dotted lines, regardless of page break settings.

You cannot remove the page break in the following situations:

Special Behavior for Reports

In general, even when you remove page breaks between sections, section titles stay with the following content. Additionally, charts and tables stay together. Charts that start on a new page will take up the whole page.

The following reports exhibit specific page break behavior:

Report Page Break Behavior
Account Analytics

The risk vs. return chart and the risk measurements table stay together on one page

Account Performance
  • If one chart is selected, it will try to fit onto the previous page.

  • If two charts are selected, the first chart will try to fit on to the previous page and the second chart will always start on a new page.

  • The table will try to fit onto the previous page.

Bond Analysis

The bar chart will try to fit onto the previous page.

In Dynamic Reports

This setting is available for PDF reports only.

In PDF Reports

Reports With This Setting

Performance Reports

Holdings Reports

Transaction Reports

Financial Planning Reports


Trading Reports