
Rebalance Summary Details Report



Why Use the Rebalance Summary Details Report?

Features in the Rebalance Summary Details Report

Settings in the Report

Basic Information

Display Settings

Data Options

Use This Report



Applies to:
Dynamic ✔ PDF Client Portal

Use the Rebalance Summary Details report to see specific data points for recommended trades at the individual account level, the group level, or both. This allows you to review selected information about proposed trades or share this information with clients through a PDF report.

In this report, you can show information about:

Use the Rebalance Summary Charts PDF report section alongside this report to visually represent proposed trades.

Why Use the Rebalance Summary Details Report?

This report lets you present data that answer these questions: 

Features in the Rebalance Summary Details Report

You can display data on this report the following ways:

Settings in the Report

When creating a PDF template that contains the Rebalance Summary Details report, you can use these settings to customize how the report appears: 

Basic Information

Display Settings

Data Options

Use This Report

After customizing your PDF template, here are ways you can take further action to generate, edit, and delete reports, as well as share them with clients: 

To learn more about reports in Tamarac, see Introduction to Reports.To learn more about how to generate a report, change the data displayed, print or export the report data, and more, see Basics of Working With Reports.To learn more about creating and using PDF reports, see Understanding PDF Reports and Workflow: Generate a PDF Report.