
Select an Email

Use this email setting to choose which automatic email template you want to edit.

The following templates are available:

Template More Information
New Client Portal

This is the email that Tamarac Reporting sends to your client when you first create a client portal. This email contains the link to the create password page and instructions for signing in for the first time.

Client Password Reset Successful This is the email that Tamarac Reporting sends to confirm that a client's password has been reset successfully.
Client Portal Login Activated This is the email that Tamarac Reporting sends to your client confirming the portal login has been activated, and including a link to the login page.
Login Change + Password Reset This is the email that Tamarac Reporting sends when you change a client's email address and reset his or her password.
Login Change + Password Reset +Portal URL Change

Tamarac Reporting will send this email if all of the following are true:

  • You change a client's email address

  • You reset a client's password

  • You change the website address of your client portal

Login Change + Portal URL Change This is the email that Tamarac Reporting sends when you change a client's email address and you change the website address of the client portal.
Login Change for New Email Address This is the email that Tamarac Reporting sends to the client's new email address when the email address is updated. It simply states that the login information was changed.
Login Change for Old Email Address This is the email that Tamarac Reporting sends to the client's old email address when the email address is updated. It simply states that the login information was changed.
Password Reset + Portal URL Change

Tamarac Reporting will send this email if you reset a client's password and change the website address of the client portal.

Password Reset by Advisor

This is the email that Tamarac Reporting sends when you reset a client's password. This email will contain the link to the password reset page.
Password Reset by Client

This is the email that Tamarac Reporting sends when a client resets his or her password on the client portal.

Portal URL Change This is the email that Tamarac Reporting sends when you change the website address of the client portal.
Document Posted by Advisor This is the email Tamarac Reporting sends when you post a new document to the portal.
Document Updated This is the email that Tamarac Reporting sends the client when you update a document in his or her document vault.
Multiple Documents Posted by Advisor This is the email Tamarac Reporting sends when you post more than one document to the portal.
New Document Posted by Client This is the email that Tamarac Reporting sends you when a client posts a document to the client portal document vault.

For more information on setting up and using automated emails in Tamarac, see Customize the Automated E-mail Messages that Tamarac Reporting Sends.