
Save & Tactical Rebalance

The Save & Tactical Rebalance button on the Security Level Models page lets you perform a Tactical Rebalance within the selected model rather than selecting accounts before performing this rebalance. A tactical rebalance is a model-specific rebalance for that model and any submodels underneath it, if performed on an Allocation model. This allows you to rebalance specific asset classes or sectors without completing a rebalance on an entire portfolio.

After you click Save & Tactical Rebalance, you'll see the following options to customize the Tactical Rebalance:

Rebalance Settings

Underweight Allocation

Learn More

For more information on creating Security Level models, see Create, Edit, and Delete Security Level Models.

For more information on the tactical rebalance, see Tactical Rebalance.

For more information on Rebalance Review as well as approving trades, visit Rebalance Review Page Actions, Views, and Filters.