
Show Relative Statistics


How Show Relative Statistics Works

In Dynamic Reports

In PDF Reports

Full PDF Report Section

PDF Dashboard Report Section

Reports With This Setting

Related Settings


How Show Relative Statistics Works

Applies to:
✔ Dynamic ✔ PDF ✔ Client Portal

This setting allows you to choose whether or not to display the relative statistics table on the Account Analytics report. The relative statistics table summarizes the following relative comparison statistics:

You would use the relative statistics table if you want to provide your clients with the data points that go into calculating risk measurements. Useful statistics might vary depending on your strategy. For example, if you're a passive advisor, maybe you want to show beta, whereas if you're an active investor, maybe you want to compare with alpha. This table is good for a financially savvy clients who want to know details, or for internal firm evaluations.

In Dynamic Reports

In PDF Reports

Full PDF Report Section

Functionality is the same in the full PDF report templates as in dynamic reports.

When you select the Show relative statistics check box in the PDF report, the following additional settings appear:

PDF Dashboard Report Section

When you add the Account Analytics report to one of the PDF Dashboard report panels, you can choose to add one of the three Account Analytics sections to the panel. The options are:

For more information on the risk vs. reward chart or risk measurements, see Show Risk vs. Return Chart and Show Risk Measurements.

Reports With This Setting

Performance Reports PDF-Specific Reports

Related Settings

For more information about date periods, see Dates and Date Periods. For more information about themes, see Site Themes and Understanding PDF Themes.