
Show Actual Return Dates


How Show Actual Return Dates Works

In Dynamic Reports

In PDF Reports

Reports With This Setting

Related Settings


How Show Actual Return Dates Works

Applies to:
Dynamic ✔ PDF

Client Portal

This setting works in conjunction with Partial Returns and allows you to show the actual start date for partial period returns on performance reports. When you select this check box, you'll see the following dates:

Return Type Start Date Displayed End Date Displayed
Linked returns Starting date for the starting period Ending date for last period held
Partial returns (new calculation) Start date End date
Partial returns (old calculation) Start date Nothing displayed

You would choose to use this setting depending on how much space you have in the column and the level of detail you want to show.

Selecting Show actual return dates adds a column to the PDF report. Be aware that this could cause rendering errors, depending on the other report settings.

In Dynamic Reports

This setting is not available for dynamic reports.

In PDF Reports

Reports With This Setting

Performance Reports
Holdings Reports

Related Settings

For more information about calculating performance, see Learn More About Calculations.