
Show As


How Show As Works on the Asset Allocation Report

In Dynamic Reports

In PDF Reports

Reports With This Setting

Related Settings


How Show As Works on the Asset Allocation Report

Applies to:
✔ Dynamic ✔ PDF ✔ Client Portal

Many of our reports offer a variety of ways to visually display the data. One option you'll see on several reports is the ability to see the data as a variety of different charts types. This setting allows you decide what type of table or chart is shown. Each option helps you tell a different story.

Click the chart type listed to learn more.

Chart Type Why Choose This Type

Show as Table

Moment-in-time snapshot good for simply reviewing holdings.

Show as Pie Chart or Donut Chart

At-a-glance visual breakdown of the moment-in-time holdings within the account or group. Includes a summary table.

Show as Bar Chart

Moment-in-time snapshot emphasizes amount of holdings in each grouping. This is an especially useful chart when comparing current allocation to target allocation.

Show As Allocation Over Time

Useful when used in conjunction with other reports, such as Account Performance report, which can together show when allocation changed and the impact that change had on performance.

In Dynamic Reports

You can choose any of the following:

In PDF Reports

All four of the chart options are available in PDF reports.

Reports With This Setting

Holdings Reports

PDF-Specific Reports

Related Settings

For more information about date periods, see Dates and Date Periods.

The following Asset Allocation report setting interacts with this option: