
Show Maturities Within the Next [Date Period]


How Show Maturities Within the Next [Date Period] Works

In Dynamic Reports

In PDF Reports

Reports With This Setting

Related Settings


How Show Maturities Within the Next [Date Period] Works

Applies to:
✔ Dynamic PDF

✔ Client Portal

This setting allows you to choose a date range for the report. If the selected date range covers multiple maturity periods, the report lists securities maturing soonest first and lists those maturing later last.

You might choose to use a short-term evaluation—less than 1 year—to review income in the upcoming year. You might also choose to use this when a client switches from investing for growth to investing for on income, to ensure that you've got a good spread in the maturity ladder.

In Dynamic Reports

You can choose to show any of the following time periods:

  • 0 days

  • 30 days

  • 60 days

  • 90 days

  • 120 days

  • 180 days

  • 1 year

  • 3 years

  • 5 years

  • 7 years

  • 10 years

  • 15 years

  • 20 years

  • 25 years

  • Any date: Choose this option to see all securities maturing at any date

For example, if you set Show maturities within the next: 5 years, you see only securities that mature within 5 years.

If you set Show maturities within the next: any date, you see all securities, regardless of maturity date.

In PDF Reports

This report is available for dynamic reports only.

Reports With This Setting

Holdings Reports

Related Settings

For more information about dates and date periods, see Dates and Date Periods.