
Inception Date

This is the date, also called the Performance Inception Date on the Account Settings panel, that Tamarac will begin calculating performance. Any transactions or activity before this date will not be taken into account.

By default, the Inception Date is set to the day before the first transaction in the account. This way, if the first transaction is a receipt of securities, any market movement for those securities is captured from the very first day onward.

Inception Date and Billing Start Date

When running the billing history for the Inception to Date date period, an account's performance inception date may not correspond with the desired billing start date. To avoid unexpected billing history reporting outcomes, make sure that the billing history is generated within the report date period.

If a billing history is run before the start of the report date period, that billing history will not be included in the report. For example, if a firm generates a billing history before an account's performance inception date and then runs a report from Inception to Date, that billing history will not show up on the report's billing section.

For more information about dates and date periods, see Dates and Date Periods.