
Name (Client Views)

On client views pages, reports, and dashboard tiles, you have two fields for labeling a dashboard tile: Name and Title. The Name field is not client-facing and can be used to add in additional information that would be helpful to differentiate it from other tiles used in your firm. The Name field must be unique. This setting, sometimes also called Client View Name, allows you to define the name displayed in the view selection list.

This name...

...Shows up in the view selection list:

Example: Service Teams

For example, the firm has service teams named Russell - Service Team and Service Team. The list displays both.

Example: Dashboard Tiles

You have several different portal tiles that display information related to performance. On one of the tiles, you have yearly date periods and on the other you have quarterly date periods.

Learn More

For more information on naming reports, see Report Name.

The following related links may be helpful: