
Refresh Account Sets (Sync Setting)

Account sets often use automatic logic to identify and add new accounts to specific sets. Use this sync setting to refresh all the firm's account sets, identifying and adding new accounts to the appropriate sets. For example, if a new account comes in for Advisor Alvarez, the next sync run with Refresh account sets selected causes the new account to be added to Advisor Alvarez's account set.

When you run a sync, Tamarac Reporting will automatically calculate performance for an account set if:

If the Account Set does not meet the criteria above, Tamarac Reporting will prompt you to recalculate performance.

Learn More

For more information, see Synchronize Data From Portfolio Accounting System.

For more information about account sets, see Group Accounts Into Account Sets and Account Set Saved Searches.

For more information about refreshing account sets, see Refresh Dynamic Account Set Membership.