
New Client Portal Mobile App Dashboard Tiles



Tiles Available to All

Integration-Specific Tiles



The client portal mobile app Home screen shows read-only tiles based on the default dashboard clients see in the desktop version of the portal. When you add widgets to a dashboard in a Reports template and then set that dashboard as the default, clients will see those widgets, in that order, when they view the mobile app home screen.

The tiles available vary depending on what integrations your firm uses.

This topic provides details on which desktop dashboard widgets show up as tiles in the mobile app.

For more information about the new client portal mobile app, see Introduction to the New Client Portal Mobile App.

For more information about the Reports template dashboard, see Add and Remove Pages from a Reports Template.

Tiles Available to All

The following widgets are available as tiles in the mobile app for all enterprises:

  • Account Performance

  • Asset Allocation

  • Capital Flows

  • Capital Flows Summary

  • Documents

  • Income and Expenses

  • Market Movers

  • Net Worth

  • Position Performance

  • Projected Income

  • Realized Gains/Losses

  • Recent Activity

  • Summary

  • Top Holdings

Integration-Specific Tiles

If your firm uses Yodlee linked accounts or the MoneyGuide integration and you added these integration-driven widgets to the default dashboard, clients can see the following additional tiles in the mobile app:

Yodlee MoneyGuide
  • Budgets

  • Income vs. Spending

  • Peer Spending

  • Recent Transactions

  • MoneyGuide Probability of Success