
Include Custom Footers for Disclaimers or Footnotes on Client Portals


Add Disclosures to Client Portal Reports

Add Disclosures to the Dashboard Page


Add Disclosures to Client Portal Reports

You can add your own customized disclaimers, disclosures, and footnotes for client views of dynamic reports. This includes all reports and pages for the client views except:

Formatting Available in the Footer

HTML code (bolding, italics, different fonts or font sizes, etc.) must be removed or it will show as plain text.

Line breaks created by pressing Enter will be respected in the footer.

Custom text appears below the footer, if one is included.

If you copy and paste into the custom text box, the text will be truncated past the character limit.

Add a Client Portal Footer

To add a footnote to a report in a client view, follow these steps:

  1. On the Client Reporting menu, under Client Portal Settings, click Client Views.

  2. In the Select a Report or Page list on the Reports / Pages tab, click the report you want to include a footnote for.

  3. Select Include custom text as footer and type your content in the box. The custom text will always appear as plain text, and you can include up to 5,000 characters.

  4. Click Save at the top of the Client Views page.

Add Disclosures to the Dashboard Page

You can add custom text to the footer of your dashboard. Use this space to add compliance statements, disclaimers, footnotes, and any other information you want your client to see when signing into the client portal. For example, you can use the footer to add the statement, Keep in mind that investing involves risk. The value of your investment will fluctuate over time and you may gain or lose money.

Other examples of when you may want to use a disclaimer include:

To add disclosures to the Dashboard page, see Add a Custom Footer to the Dashboard Page.

The information you type will only appear on the footer of the dashboard and will not appear on every page of the client portal. For information about adding footers to other pages of Tamarac Reporting, visit Add Disclosures to Client Portal Reports.