
Learn More About Setting Up Client Portals

Setting Up Client Portals

Walk through the basic workflow for setting up client portals. If you're new to the process, it's best to start here.

Learn More About Client Views

Client views are the building blocks of creating client portals. A client view allows you to customize a client portal. You can select the reports and program areas that your clients will be able to access—they won't be able to access any information other than that which you provide to them.

Create, Edit and Delete a Client

Clients are different from accounts, groups and Households. A client is a unique contact—represented by an email address—for an individual person. Clients can be assigned to only one Household at a time. Clients control the email address of the client as well as the client view and report delivery methods for reports.

Enable Client Portal Access for a Client

The last step in setting up a client portal is to enable portal access. Some firms prefer to do this right away when setting up the portal, while others prefer to set up the client portal and leave it deactivated until they meet with the client in-person and discuss the settings.

Customizing the Menu Bar

The top menu bar consists of the primary navigation for Tamarac Reporting that holds the menus for Accounts, Reports, Client Reporting, etc. While the names of the menus cannot be changed, you can control the theme of the menu bar elements. You can customize the theme of the menu bar for you as well as your clients - and have different themes for each.