
Customizing the Menu Bar



Customizable Elements

Customizable States

Changing Colors

Colors of the Menu Bar

Default Color Codes

Customize the Menu Bar Colors

Formatting the Logo

The Advisor Profile Picture

Assign a Menu Bar to a Client

Assign a Menu Bar to Your Version of Tamarac Reporting

Customize Client Portal Display Name



The top menu bar consists of the primary navigation for Tamarac Reporting that holds the menus for Accounts, Reports, Client Reporting, etc. While the names of the menus cannot be changed, you can control the theme of the menu bar elements. You can customize the theme of the menu bar for you as well as your clients, and have different themes for each. For example, you can have one brand for your menu bar and another for your clients or a subset of your clients.

Customizable Elements

The top menu bar consists of four primary customizable elements:

Customizable States

For each customizable element, you can control the color of these elements in certain states. The customizable states are:

Changing Colors

For all colors, you can choose the color using our standard color selection tool or you can type an HTML color code (HEX code), such as #FF5733. To choose a color, click the arrow in the box and either enter the hex code for the color you want or drag the sliders to select a color. When finished, click Apply.

Colors of the Menu Bar

Default Color Codes

Our default hexadecimal color codes are these:

#2C5172 #51708A #4EADDC #FFFFFF


Customize the Menu Bar Colors

To customize the colors of the menu bar, follow these steps:

  1. On the Setup menu, click Themes.

  2. In the Select a site theme list, select an existing theme. Otherwise, choose <Create New> and type the name of the theme in the Site theme name box.

  1. If you want the theme to be for your version of Tamarac Reporting, select the Set as my site theme check box. By selecting this check box, any settings on this theme will apply when you sign into Tamarac Reporting.

  2. Under the navigation options, use the Default Static Color, Custom Static Color, Default Hover Color, Custom Hover Color, Default Selected Color, and Custom Selected Color columns to change the colors. To change a color from the default, clear the Default Color check box and then select the custom color in the Custom Color column.

For a list of customizable elements, visit Customizable Elements. For the difference between the static color, over color and default color, visit Customizable States. For details on how to use the color selection tool, visit Changing Colors.

You can preview your changes in real-time using the menu bar at the bottom of the Navigation Options section. You can use the Preview list to choose any logo that has been uploaded to Tamarac Reporting for you by your Tamarac Reporting service team. This may be important if you're creating a theme that you want to match a particular logo.

If you want to reset a custom color back to the default value, simply select the applicable Default Color check box.

  1. Configure any additional settings for the theme, such as the graph options and color options. For more information on configuring your theme, visit Themes. When finished, click Save.

Formatting the Logo

To add the logo, you must send it to your Service Team to upload into Tamarac Reporting. When preparing your logo for use in Tamarac Reporting, keep the following in mind:

Acceptable Image File Types

The following file types can be uploaded: .BMP, .GIF, .JPG, .JPEG, and .PNG. The recommended file type is .PNG.

Logo Size Recommendation

The ideal logo size: 270 pixels by 60 pixels (4.5:1).

However, if you provide a logo image at twice the actual display size (i.e. 540 x 120), the logo will look better on high definition monitors. Although the logo on your menu will stay the same size, it will look larger on your clients' login screens and automatic client portal emails.

If at least one of the logo's sides (either width or length) meets or exceeds the minimum width requirements, the logo will be automatically resized. In some cases, this may not look as expected, so it's best to format your logo to the ideal logo size specifications.

A 10-pixel margin is added on the left and right sides of the logo. There is no additional margin for the top and bottom of the logo image.

Logo Color and Background Recommendations

The logo should have a transparent background color instead of a solid background color (white, black, etc.). Otherwise the logo will display on a solid-colored field that may not match your menu bar.

If you have a logo with white text, you may not want a transparent background. A white logo with a transparent background would be invisible on any page with a white background. In this case, we recommend setting the logo background color to match the color of your menu bar.

This logo may be the same image that is assigned to the Household, which appears on the Sign In page of Tamarac Reporting and the automated email messages Tamarac Reporting sends. These pages have white backgrounds. If you use a logo with a white font, it will not appear on these pages because the background and the logo are the same color.

The Advisor Profile Picture

You can set up your user information on the My Profile page—adding a photo as well as contact information and custom text that describes your experience, your role, or other information related to you. The photo you add will appear on the menu bar. For details about adding the photo as well as configuring your profile, visit Manage Your Profile Information.

Assign a Menu Bar to a Client

Menu bars are assigned when you assign a client view to a client. For details, visit Create a Client View.

Assign a Menu Bar to Your Version of Tamarac Reporting

You can customize the menu bar that you see when you sign into Tamarac Reporting. To do this, follow the steps in the Customize the Colors of the Menu Bar section. Be sure to select the Set as my site theme check box. Selecting this check box will set the theme as the default for your version of Tamarac Reporting.

Customize Client Portal Display Name

You can control the tone of your portals by choosing how to display clients' names—either full name or just first name. The First Name and Last Name fields must be filled in on the client profile tab of the Client panel to use this customization.

To modify the name displayed in the portal, follow these steps:

  1. Under Setup, click System Settings.

  2. Scroll down to the Client Display Configuration setting.

  3. Select from the list the desired name display configuration.

  4. Click Save.