
Post From FTP: Standard Match



Which Clients Receive Standard Matched Files

Before You Start: File Naming Requirements

Use Standard Match to Post From FTP



Standard Match is one way of matching files with accounts in the Post From FTP process. It is especially useful if:

With Standard Match, you name your files to adhere to the standard match convention. The system can then read the file names, find the account number in each, and send the file to the document vault belonging to clients associated with that account number.

Which Clients Receive Standard Matched Files

When using Standard Match, the file will be delivered to the document vault of all the clients in a Household to which the account is assigned.

For example, Georgia and Michael Abbey belong to the Abbey Household. Account number 123-4567 is a direct member of the Abbey Household. When files for account 123-4567 are uploaded, both Georgia and Michael will receive a copy of the file in their individual portal document vaults.

If you want to specify exactly who receives what files, use Upload Manifest.

Before You Start: File Naming Requirements

Before you use Standard Match, all files must adhere to the following naming convention:

Use Standard Match to Post From FTP

To use Standard Match to match file names with accounts and clients:

  1. Save the files you want to post in your FTP folder. Make sure they follow the naming requirements.

  2. In Documents, click Post From FTP.

  3. In Step 1: Define Post Method, click Standard Match.

  4. Configure Post files to clients with access to....

  5. Click Search for files to post. Follow the rest of the Post From FTP steps.