
Start New Custodian Forms with Digital Account Opening



Available Custodians

Custodian Credentials

Before You Start

Resolve Unexpected Behavior

Start a Custodian New Account Opening Form in Tamarac



Filling out custodian forms is time-consuming, and it's easy to make mistakes that are difficult to fix. In order to improve accuracy of custodian form completion and streamline your processes, you can start new account applications by sending client and Household information from Tamarac directly to custodians.

When you start new custodian forms in Tamarac, Tamarac sends the following data to the custodian:

Data Source in Tamarac Is It Required...  
For Fidelity Wealthscapeâ„¢? For Schwab OpenView Gateway? For TD Ameritrade Veo?
First name Client record Required Required Required
Middle name/initial Client record Optional Optional Optional
Last name Client record Required Required Required
Date of birth Client record Required Required Required
Email address Client record Required Required Required

Street address

Foreign address, including Canadian address, are not supported.

Household record

Required Required Required

Available Custodians

You can start new account forms in Tamarac for the following custodians:

Custodian Credentials

The first time you use this process to start new forms, you may be asked to sign in with your custodian credentials or provide additional validation such as the Schwab One Time Password. If the custodian sign in page includes a Remember me option, select it. For subsequent uses, the custodian will open directly without credentials required.

Before You Start

To use this integration feature, the following must be enabled:

Resolve Unexpected Behavior

If you aren't seeing the windows you expect, make sure your browser's pop up blocker is turned off for this page. The new account opening dialog will not open if your pop up blocker is turned on.

If you're having trouble getting this feature to work, see Start New Forms Troubleshooting.

Start a Custodian New Account Opening Form in Tamarac

To start the custodian forms to open a new account from Tamarac:

  1. On the Accounts menu, click Clients/Client Portals.

  2. Select one or more clients that you want to open a new account for.


    The client must be assigned to a Household.

    The following limits apply to how many client records you can upload for each custodian:

  3. In the Actions list, click Start New Forms.

  4. In the Start New Forms dialog, select the desired custodian from the integrated provider list. 

  5. Complete custodian-specific requirements.

  6. On the integrated partner redirect page, read the disclaimer and click Continue

  7. A new browser window opens the custodian's account opening system with the Tamarac data already populated in the form. Complete the application from there.

Note that, in the TD Ameritrade Veo One platform, if you need to stop partway through completing forms, you can review the status of the digital account opening workflow and resume digital account opening paperwork by clicking Status in the menu.