
Select All Check Box



Select All Available Records

Select All the Records on a Page

Remove Some Records from Selection

View Only the Selected Records

What Filtering Does to Selections



When you have to take action on records—whether accounts, securities, or trades—Select All makes your life easier.

The following actions are available through the Select All check box:

Select All Available Records

To select all the available records, you can do either of the following actions:

Select All the Records on a Page

To select all the records on the current page, click ˅ and then click Select This Page.

When you do this, the following counts help you confirm selection correctness:

If available, you can also use Search to find additional records to add to your selections.

Remove Some Records from Selection

You can select all records and then exclude a few specific records. For example, you want to edit all accounts but want to exclude employee accounts.

To remove some records from a selection, follow these steps: 

  1. Select all records.

  2. Clear the check box next to the records you don't want to include in the selection. You can click through different pages to clear records on multiple pages while retaining the overall selection.

    The XX Selected count updates as you remove items.

View Only the Selected Records

If you have selected records across multiple pages, you can choose to see only those records on the page. This helps you avoid inadvertently taking action on records you didn't know were selected.

To see the records you've selected, click ˅ and then click View Selected.

To go back to viewing all the records, click ˅ and then click View All.

What Filtering Does to Selections

Filtering pages is a powerful tool for finding exactly what you're looking for. Filtering can impact selections in the following ways:

The following scenarios will result in clearing all the selections made with the Select All check box: