
Interest Rate (Securities)

This securities setting allows you to set the annual interest rate of the security, as a percentage.


Tamarac does not store or track historical interest rates or accrued interest rate information for floating or variable rate securities. In addition, Tamarac does not reconcile accrued interest in accounts holding these variable rate securities. You may notice a discrepancy between your custodian's accrued interest and the accrued interest shown in Tamarac reporting for these securities because Tamarac stores one interest rate for each security.

You may need to manually update or sync interest rates for variable rate securities so that billed account and position values are accurate. You can update the interest rates for many securities at once using the bulk upload functionality. For more information, see Upload Bulk Data.

You also have the option of turning off accrued interest at the security level for floating or variable rate securities. For more information, see Display Accrued.

For more information about maintaining securities, see Maintain Securities.

For more information about using securities, see Learn More About Assets, Liabilities, Securities, and Categories.