
Report Direct Member Groups as a Single Line Item


How Report Direct Member Groups as a Single Line Works

In Dynamic Reports

In PDF Reports

Reports With This Setting

Related Settings


How Report Direct Member Groups as a Single Line Works

Applies to:
Dynamic ✔ PDF

Client Portal

If the group being reported on has other groups as direct members, the Report direct member groups as a single line item check box allows you to choose whether or not to report those direct member groups as a single line item for the totals row. This helps keep reports shorter and more manageable.

For example, the Alvarez Family group contains another group called Alvarez Children. When you run an Account Ledger report on the Alvarez Family group, you can choose to see the Alvarez Children group as one line item or you can see all the direct members within the Alvarez Children group reported individually.

In Dynamic Reports

This setting is available only in PDF reports.

In PDF Reports

This setting lets you choose how to display groups within groups in PDF templates.

Reports With This Setting

Performance Reports Holdings Reports

Related Settings

For more information on groups, see Learn More About Groups and Introduction to Accounts, Groups, Households, and Clients.