
Use Multiple Security Categories


How Use Multiple Security Categories Works

In Dynamic Reports

In PDF Reports

Reports With This Setting

Related Settings


How Use Multiple Security Categories Works

Applies to:
✔ Dynamic ✔ PDF ✔ Client Portal

Some securities may be assigned to multiple categories where the allocations are proportionally split by the weighted percentage of those categories. This setting allows you to choose how reports display securities assigned to multiple categories. Use the multiple categories when assigned or use only the designated primary category in reporting.

In Dynamic Reports

You have the following options:


To see the report respect multiple categories assigned to a security, select Use multiple security categories. The report will show the security split proportionally based on the percentage weight assigned to each category.

For example, the mutual fund XYZZX is assigned three Asset Class categories: Large-Cap Equities at 70%, Mid-Cap Equities at 20%, and Small-Cap Equities at 10%: 

Your client holds 100 shares valued at $10 a share. In reports that support multiple security categories and where Use multiple security categories is enabled, XYZZX will show values proportionally to the percent of each category in the report.

Category Category Weight Proportional Number of Shares Proportional Dollar Value
Large-Cap Equities 70% 70 shares $700
Mid-Cap Equities 20% 20 shares $200
Small-Cap Equities 10% 10 shares $100
  100 total shares held
$1,000 total value


To see the report only use the primary category used in reporting, clear Use multiple security categories.

In the above example of XYZZX, Large-Cap Equities is marked as Primary:

Because of this, if Use Multiple security categories is cleared, XYZZX will use Large-Cap Equities as its only category for Asset Class.

Category Total Number of Shares Total Dollar Value
Large-Cap Equities 100 $1,000

In PDF Reports

Functionality is the same in the PDF report templates as in dynamic reports.

Reports With This Setting

Holdings Reports


Related Settings

For more information about security categories, see Security Categories.