
Use Primary Household Address

Use primary household address, when selected, automatically fills in the mailing address for the selected account with the primary address for the Household. By managing the address at the Household level instead of at the account level, you can make address updates less cumbersome—any changes made to the Household address will flow through to any member addresses where this option is selected.

The account or group must have a primary Household assigned in order to take advantage of this feature. The primary Household is assigned automatically for accounts added to a Household for the first time.

You can designate the primary Household on the Household / Group membership panel of any groups. This will allow your Household and member addresses to stay synced.

The following are some scenarios you might encounter when establishing a primary Household: 

If... When You Select Use Primary Household Address...
Primary Household is assigned Primary Household becomes the source for the account or group's mailing address field.
Primary Household is not assigned Account or group address is cleared. No address appears in the address field until one is added to the primary Household.
Address comes from master account Primary Household becomes the source for the account or group's mailing address field.

You can update this setting for financial accounts in bulk using an Account Information bulk report and upload that includes the following columns:

The following scenarios affect how the Use Primary Household Address option acts: 

The account or group must have a primary Household assigned in order to take advantage of this feature. The primary Household is assigned automatically for accounts added to a Household for the first time.

For more information on editing accounts, including how to navigate to this panel, see Maintaining Accounts.