
Customize the Custom Views Page



Maximize Your Work Area

Sort a Column in a Custom View

Clear a Column Filter

Save Custom View Display Settings



As you work in a custom view, you can change to customize the way you see the data on the page. This topic provides details on how to use features of the Custom Views page.

For more information on custom views, see Custom Views.

For more information on how to build a new custom view, see Workflow: Build a Custom View.

Maximize Your Work Area

If you have a large number of groups to view, you can expand your work area by clicking the button under the name of the view.

When you're ready to work in the normal view again, click the button.

Sort a Column in a Custom View

To sort a column, click the column headings you want to sort. You will see an up or down arrow next to the heading showing that the field is sorted in ascending or descending order.

Clear a Column Filter

If you want to undo a column that you've filtered, follow these steps:

  1. Click the filter button () that appears on the column heading.

  2. Click Clear.

Save Custom View Display Settings

You can save all of your display settings by clicking the button on the Custom Views page so you won't have to set up the view each time. All settings, including custom column widths, filter options, and sorting will be saved. If it's a shared custom view, all other users will also have these settings applied the next time they use the report.