
Learn More About Custom Views

Custom Views

Custom Views combine the power of saved searches and bulk reports to give you powerful data mining capabilities. They allow you to run bulk reports based on saved searches and then filter the bulk reports directly on your screen. Flexible grouping and aggregation options allow you to narrow the data so you can see exactly what you're looking for.

Workflow: Build a Custom View

Learn the steps for how to build a custom view from scratch, starting with creating an appropriate bulk report and saved search.

Create, Copy, or Delete Custom Views

Learn the steps for how to create, edit, or delete custom views.

Customize the Custom Views Page

Learn how to use the features on the Custom Views page to optimize your data viewing.

Filter and Sort Custom View Results

Learn the steps for how to use the Custom Views page features to filter and sort results.

Update a Custom View With New Data

Learn how to refresh a custom view to get the latest data.

Change Grouping on Custom Views

Learn how to add or remove columns and arrange the Custom Views page to make you more effective.