
Create Account Billing History Bulk Report



Create an Account Billing History Bulk Report



These are the steps for how to create a bulk report to audit billed amounts before generating invoices.

For more information on the overall workflow, see Workflow: Run Billing.

For more information on creating bulk reports, see Understanding Bulk Data Exports.

Create an Account Billing History Bulk Report

To create an Account Billing History bulk report:

  1. On the Reports menu, under Global Reports, click Bulk Reports.

  2. Click Create Report.

  3. Type the name of the report in the Name box. Choose a descriptive name that will help you differentiate among bulk reports, especially if you share this bulk report with colleagues.

  4. From the Report Type list, choose Account Billing History.

  5. Select Share report only if you want this bulk report to be available to others.

  6. Add the following columns to the report:

    Billing Date Proration Amount
    Billing Group Name Account Adjustment
    Billing Definition Billing Group Adjustment
    Account Number Billed Amount
    Account Name Responsible For
    Custodian Previous Billable Value
    Service Team: Primary Advisor Previous Billed Amount
    Billable Value Previous Billing Date
    Non-Billable Value Start Date
    Gross Billed Amount End Date
  7. Click Save.