
Learn More About Billing Steps

Billing Steps

Create, Edit, or Delete a Billing Definition

Billing definitions are the foundation of Tamarac’s powerful billing engine. Billing definitions define the billing method (arrears or in advance), the billing cycle, prorations, rate tiers, adjustments, minimum fees, service tax amounts, and more.

Create, Edit, or Delete a Billing Group

Learn the steps for managing billing groups.

Create, Edit, or Delete a Billing Invoice Template

Learn the steps for how to manage the PDF template for billing.

Generate Billing History

Generating billing history for your billing groups calculates the fees that Tamarac Reporting will include on the invoice. Generating billing history separate from generating the billing statement gives the flexibility to re-run billing statements and re-printing an exact copy of a historical billing statement that was sent to the client.

Verify Available Cash in Client Accounts for Paying Invoices

Double-check amounts billed to each client and confirm payment accounts have enough cash to pay the invoice.

Export Management Fees

Find out how to export your management fees.

View and Manage Payment Status

Learn how to use the Payment Details page to view, reconcile, and export billing data.

Confirm Billed Amounts

Learn the steps for how to audit billed amounts before submitting fees.

Create Account Billing History Bulk Report

Get details of how to create a bulk report specifically intended to audit billing accounts.

Create Pre-Billing Audit Saved Searches

Get details of which filters to add to create saved searches that help you audit accounts for billing group membership.

Run Pre-Billing Audits

Learn how to run pre-billing audits to confirm billed amounts are correct.

Submit Fees to the Custodian

Find out how to perform a custodian export of your billing information.

Create, Edit, or Delete a Billing Group Adjustment

Learn the steps for managing billing group adjustments.

Calculate a Refund on an Advance Bill

Learn the steps for creating a refund for clients billed in advance.

Create, Edit, or Delete a Billing Statement PDF Template

Learn the steps for managing billing statements.

Create Billing Account Sets

Learn the steps to create account sets that aggregate together accounts for billing.

Identify Accounts or Groups to Invoice Together

Learn about the different ways to find groups you want to bill at the same time.

Use Default Templates to Generate Billing Invoices for Certain Groups

Learn how to use default templates to generate billing invoices only for specific groups.

Generate a Billing Statement

Learn the steps for how to generate an invoice for a group.

Run Billing Reconciliation

With billing reconciliation, you can you manually and automatically reconcile payments for your services, which helps you account for every invoice and payment in your firm.

Assign Invoices as Default Templates

Learn the steps for add a PDF billing statement template as the default for a reporting group.

Set an Account's Billing Inception Date and Closed Date

Learn the steps for setting inception and closed date for billing accounts, and why you'd use them.

Prorate New Accounts

Learn the steps for setting new account proration options in a billing definition.

Exclude Cash or Other Securities from Billing

Learn the steps for excluding one or more securities from all billing.

Shorten Billing Invoices with Merge Fields

Learn about the impact of using Show overview in the billing definition section on a statement, and how to avoid unnecessary page breaks using a merge field.