
Create, Edit, or Delete a Billing Invoice Template



Create a Billing Statement

Edit a Billing Statement

Delete a Billing Statement



These are the steps to create, edit, or delete a billing PDF template, which you add to PDF reports to create billing statements. Billing statements allow you to send a statement to clients indicating that management fees have been paid, or how much is still owed. You can include billing invoices as a section in PDF templates or as their own stand-alone billing statement.

This is one step in the Workflow: Set Up Billing.

For more information billing statements, see Billing Statements and Billing Statement Settings. For more information on PDF templates, see Create, Edit, and Delete a PDF Template.

Create a Billing Statement

  1. On the Client Reporting menu, under PDF Templates, click Templates.

  2. In the Select Template list, choose the template where you want to add the billing section. If you haven't created a template, click <Create New>.

  3. In the Add a section list, choose Billing and then click Add.

  4. Complete any of the billing statement sections. For more information, see Billing Statement Settings.

  1. Click Save.

Edit a Billing Statement

To edit a billing invoice:

  1. On the Client Reporting menu, under PDF Templates, click Templates.

  2. In the Select Template list, choose the template containing the billing section you want to edit.

  3. Edit any of the billing statement sections. For more information, see Billing Statement Settings.

  1. Click Save.

Delete a Billing Statement

To delete a billing invoice:

  1. On the Client Reporting menu, under PDF Templates, click Templates.

  2. In the Select Template list, choose the template you want to delete the billing section from.

  3. In the list of sections, click x next in the Billing section.

  4. In Delete Section, click Delete.