
Billing Statement Settings



General Statement Display Options

Detail Statement Display Options

Billing Definition

Group Summary

Billing Allocation

Payment Allocation

General Custom Text

Payment Custom Text

Summary Statement Display Options


Additional Sections



When you're setting up billing in Tamarac, one step is to create your billing PDF templates. This page discusses the settings available when you create a new PDF template for a billing invoice.

As part of creating the billing PDF template, you create a detailed statement and a summary statement. In either the detailed statement or summary statement, you have the option to display the following sections:

Section Use Available in Detail Statement Available in Summary Statement
Billing Definition

Provides details of the billing definition, including fee period, billing group, billable value, and any adjustments.


Include this if you want to give your clients insight into which assets are being billed and how they're being billed at the group level.

If you want to include details about billing adjustments on your billing statement:

Group Summary

Provides an at-a-glace summary of the date period and billing group, as well as any adjustments.

Billing Allocation

Provides a breakdown of the billable value for different accounts and total fees. This is a more detailed accounting of how you bill.


When there are accounts in the billing group that are not in the reporting group, you can choose to aggregate these accounts into one row called External Accounts.

If you want to include details about billing adjustments on your billing statement:

Managed and Unmanaged Accounts

Track managed and unmanaged account values on the billing statement by selecting the following columns in the Billing Allocation section:

  • Managed Account Value. Displays the total managed account value of the underlying accounts within the billing definition.

  • Unmanaged Account Value. Displays the total unmanaged account value of the underlying accounts within the billing definition (unmanaged is defined as unmanaged for performance).

Payment Allocation

This section shows which accounts pay what, and is particularly useful if each account doesn't pay for itself. It helps show which accounts pay for what.

If the billing allocation matches the payment allocation for all accounts, the Payment Allocation section is excluded from the statement. Because of this, billing statements may vary between billing periods or billing groups.

General Custom Text

This section allows you to add free-form text on the statement.

Payment Custom Text

This section is extremely useful for when you have a mix of clients who pay by check and by posting fees directly. You can create customized messages for each scenario, and Tamarac automatically displays the appropriate text depending on how each group is billed.

Overview This is the summary version of the Billing Definition. It provides a summary of billing definition, billing period, any adjustments applied, and the resulting fees, without all the details available in the full Billing Definition section.   X

For more information on billing statements, see Billing Statements. For more information on creating PDF templates, see Create, Edit, and Delete a PDF Template.

General Statement Display Options

The following settings are available under General Statement Display Options.

Total Bill Summary

The following settings are available under Total Bill Summary.

Detail Statement Display Options

When you choose to create a detailed statement, you can add up to six detailed sections. Settings for each are described below.

Billing Definition

The following settings are available when you select Billing Definition under Detail Statement Display Options.

Group Summary

The following settings are available when you select Group Summary under Detail Statement Display Options.

Billing Allocation

The following settings are available when you select Billing Allocation under Detail Statement Display Options.

Payment Allocation

The following settings are available when you select Payment Allocation under Detail Statement Display Options.

This section shows which accounts pay what, and is particularly useful if each account doesn't pay for itself. It helps show which accounts pay for what.

If the billing allocation matches the payment allocation for all accounts, the Payment Allocation section is excluded from the statement. Because of this, billing statements may vary between billing periods or billing groups.

Include Prior Outstanding Balance and Total Outstanding Balance in this section to show the combined amounts for the statements generated and help your clients clearly determine the total amount that is due to your firm.

These balances will be shown on the billing summary page if:

General Custom Text

The following settings are available when you select General Custom Text under Detail Statement Display Options.

This section allows you to add free-form text on the statement.

Payment Custom Text

The following settings are available when you select Payment Custom Text under Detail Statement Display Options.

In this section:

This section is extremely useful for when you have a mix of clients who pay by check and by posting fees directly. You can create customized messages for each scenario, and Tamarac automatically displays the appropriate text depending on how each group is billed.

Summary Statement Display Options

The following settings are available under Summary Statement Display Options.


The following settings are available when you select Overview under Summary Statement Display Options.

Additional Sections

The following additional are available when you choose Summary Statement Display Options. They have the same settings and behavior as the r Detail Statement Display Options.