
Workflow: Create a Branded Mobile App



Before You Start

Contract Amendment

Technical Requirements

Your Firm's Marketplace Assets

Access the Mobile App Workflow

Create a Branded Mobile App

Step 1: Set Up Your Apple App

Step 2: Set Up Your Google App

Step 3: Upload Assets

Step 4: Enter Metadata

Step 5: Enter Demonstration Client Credentials

Step 6: Submit the App

Next Steps



The new client portal mobile app provides clients with 24/7 access to all the data and features they need to live an Intelligent Financial Life™. You can choose between two versions of the client portal mobile app:

If you choose to offer your clients a branded mobile app experience, you can customize the mobile app with your own unique colors, themes, and brand identity. From your client’s perspective, the branded mobile app appears as an official app in the Apple and Google app stores bearing your firm’s name, branding themes, and unique logos. Your mobile app maintains all the powerful tools provided by the mobile app.

This topic provides steps for how to create and publish a custom branded mobile app in the Apple and Google app stores.


This only applies to the New Client Portal mobile app.

For information about the legacy client portal mobile app, see Introduction to the Tamarac Mobile App.

Before You Start

Contract Amendment

Before you can access the mobile app workflow, contact Tamarac Account Management. You may need to amend your contract.

Technical Requirements

Before you can complete the steps, you must have the following:

Your Firm's Marketplace Assets

Before you start, identify your firm's marketplace assets:

Access the Mobile App Workflow

Once enabled, to access the branded mobile app creator workflow:

  1. Under Client Reporting, select Configuration Tool.

  2. Select Mobile.

Create a Branded Mobile App

When you create your branded mobile app, you’ll set up the app on both the Apple and Google app stores. When complete, clients will be able to download the app from either store.

The following is an overview of the steps. For more, see the detailed steps below.

  1. Set up the Apple app.

  2. Set up the Google app.

  3. Upload the images.

  4. Add the information you want clients to see in the app store.

  5. Provide the demonstration client details.

  6. Submit the app and monitor its progress.

Step 1: Set Up Your Apple App

In this step, we collect information from your Apple developer site. To set up your Apple developer account and acquire the information you need here, the workflow provides links to the Apple documentation.

Setting up the Apple app is the first step in the process. You must complete this step before you can move on.

To set up your Apple app:

  1. In the Configuration Tool, select Mobile.

  2. Select Let’s get started!

  3. Once you've set up your Apple developer account, provide us with the following information:

    Setting Details
    Issuer ID Use the Issuer ID provided on the Integrations page. For more information, see App Store Connect (external link opens in a new tab).
    App Store Connect Key ID This is also called the API key. For more information, see Creating API Keys for App Store Connect API (external link opens in a new tab).
    Your private key Upload the private key, also called the .p8 file, that you downloaded from the Apple app store.
    Developer Portal ID For more information, see Locate your Team ID (external link opens in a new tab).
  4. Select Submit.

  5. Complete the app setup on the Apple developer site. For steps, select Open the new app instructions.

  6. Select Verify Apple app setup. If everything is in good order, you’ll see a message confirming that the app has been created.

  7. Select Next.

Step 2: Set Up Your Google App

In this step, we collect information from your Google developer site. To set up your Google developer account and acquire the information you need here, the workflow provides links to the Google documentation.

Setting up the Google app is the second step in the process. You must set up the Apple app before you can start this step. You must complete this step before you can move on.

To set up your Google app:

  1. In the Configuration Tool, in the Mobile flow, start on the Setup Google App screen.

  2. Select Download app bundle. It is saved to your computer. This generic file is used to create a connection with Google that allows us to create your custom app.

  3. On your computer, find the downloaded app bundle file. Its file name follows this pattern:

    android-placeholder (x).aab
  4. In your Google Play developer account, create your app and upload the app bundle. For more information, select Open the new app instructions or see Create and set up your app (external link opens in a new tab).

  5. Select Copy email to copy the following service account email address:
  6. Add the service account email address to your Google developer team. In Google, give that user Admin (all permissions). For steps, select Open instructions to add team members.

  7. Enter your Developer ID. When you sign into Google Play, this is listed as Account ID. For directions to find the ID, select Instructions to find your developer ID.

  8. Select Verify Google app setup. If everything is in good order, you’ll see a message confirming that the app has been created.

  9. Select Next.

Step 3: Upload Assets

Uploading assets is the third step in the process. Here you add the logo images you want clients to see in the app store and on their device.

You must set up the Google app before you can start this step. You must complete this step before you can move on.

To upload assets:

  1. In the Configuration Tool, in the Mobile flow, start on the Upload assets screen.

  2. In Upload app icon, select Browse files. From your computer, choose the app icon file and upload it. This is the icon that clients see representing the app on their devices.

  3. In Upload logo, select Browse files. From your computer, choose the image file and upload it. This is a banner that appears in the Google Play store.

  4. Review the images you uploaded. To change the image, select X. The current image is removed and you can add a new one.

  5. Select Next.

Step 4: Enter Metadata

Entering metadata is the fourth step in the process. Here you add the description and details you want clients to see in the app store and on the app.

You must upload assets before you can start this step. You must complete this step before you can move on.

To enter metadata:

  1. In the Configuration Tool, in the Mobile flow, start on the Enter metadata screen.

  2. Enter the following data:

    Setting Details
    Display name

    This appears in the app store and on the home screen of a user’s mobile device.

    Short description

    Enter a short description of your app, up to 80 characters, that appears in the search results when a client searches for the app.

    Only the Google App Store uses this description.


    Enter a description of your app that is up to 4,000 characters long. This appears in both the Apple and Google app stores.


    Enter keywords, such as your firm name, to help users find your app. Separate keywords with a comma.

    For example, Cherry Street, Cherry Street Financial, CSF

  3. Select Submit.

Step 5: Enter Demonstration Client Credentials

Entering demonstration user data is the fifth step in the process. Apple and Google reviewers use these credentials to view your app before approval. It also is the source of the screenshots that show up in your mobile app listing in app stores.


Members of the public will see this data. Make sure there’s no real client data included in this demo account.

You must enter metadata before you can start this step. You must complete this step before you can move on.

To enter demonstration client data:

  1. In the Configuration Tool, in the Mobile flow, start on the Demo client screen.

  2. Enter the Username and Password you created for the demonstration client.

  3. Select Submit.

Step 6: Submit the App

Submitting the app is the final step in the process. This page shows the submission status for your app for each app store.

You must complete all the other steps before you can start this step.

  1. In the Configuration Tool, in the Mobile flow, start on the App submission screen.

  2. When both app stores show Ready to submit status, select Submit.

Next Steps

The approval process for Apple and Google can take up to five business days to complete. Track the latest progress for the app on the App submission page.

If an app fails, select Retry. You can retry up to three times, after which you'll need to contact your Support team.