
June 2021 - What's New in Tamarac Reporting



Post PDF Reports to an FTP Folder


Add a MoneyGuide MyBlocks Tile to the Client Portal

Set the Landing Page for When you Single Sign-On into Tamarac

Access the FIDx Insurance Exchange From Tamarac Reporting


Increased Portal Security with CSRF Token Validation

Platform Improvements & Performance Enhancements

Learn More - Watch the Release Video



Post PDF Reports to an FTP Folder

Previously, generating PDF reports for more than 1,000 groups or accounts required you to generate the reports in multiple batches that you downloaded individually from the PDF Report Status page. This release, we've streamlined the process so you can post PDF reports directly to an FTP folder, then save the batch files from there.

For firms that use a third-party document management system, these files include metadata that allows you to make Tamarac PDF reports available to your third-party system in a useful format.

To post a report directly to your FTP folder, select Post to FTP when generating a PDF report from the Accounts or Households page.

You can also set Post to FTP as a client preferred delivery method so that you can generate PDF reports in bulk even when all your clients don't access reports the same way.

To enable this feature and configure the destination FTP folder, contact your Tamarac Service team.


Add a MoneyGuide MyBlocks Tile to the Client Portal

MoneyGuide MyBlocks offers your clients powerful financial planning tools, supporting them in becoming more active, knowledgeable participants in their own financial wellness.

With this release, you can put these tools where your clients are already looking for their financial information: the Tamarac client portal. Add a MoneyGuide MyBlocks dashboard tile to the client portal dashboard to give clients single sign-on access to their MyBlocks account directly from the Tamarac client portal.

Configure the title, color, and text displayed on the tile to fit your firm's needs. For clients who do not have the MoneyGuide single sign-on enabled, choose custom text or hide the tile completely.


When you add the MyBlocks by MoneyGuide dashboard tile for a client, MyBlocks will become the landing page when that client uses single sign-on from Tamarac to MoneyGuide. Any clients who access the MoneyGuide Play Zone via single sign-on will only have access to MyBlocks via single sign-on after you add a MyBlocks by MoneyGuide dashboard tile.

To learn more about how to enable and configure the MoneyGuide MyBlocks client portal dashboard tile, see Single Sign-On to MoneyGuide MyBlocks from the Tamarac Client Portal.

Set the Landing Page for When you Single Sign-On into Tamarac

Customize your firm’s experience by designating a specific landing page to open when users sign in to Tamarac using single sign-on.

Previously, when you accessed Tamarac using single sign-on, the landing page was the main dashboard. With this release, you can now choose which page to send firm users or clients to when they use single sign-on. You can create multiple single sign-on links from your site to various pages in the Tamarac platform, giving your users faster access to the information they need.

For example, if advisors at your firm typically spend a large amount of time working from the Holdings page, you can configure your single sign-on so that the Holdings page opens first when advisors sign in, while maintaining a separate single sign-on link for clients that takes them to the main dashboard.

Contact your Tamarac Service Team for more information about setting up this feature.

Access the FIDx Insurance Exchange From Tamarac Reporting

Financial wellness goes beyond investments alone, and this release we've made it possible to manage another piece of your clients' financial picture through Tamarac: annuities.

The FIDx Insurance Exchange allows you to research, compare, and recommend insurance products from a variety of leading carriers. As an advisor, you can now access FIDx from the Household page in Tamarac Reporting.

To enable access to FIDx from Tamarac Reporting, contact Tamarac Account Management at In order to enable access you firm must have an active MoneyGuide integration.

For more information, see Access the FIDx Insurance Exchange from Tamarac Reporting.


Increased Portal Security with CSRF Token Validation

This release, we add an additional layer of security to prevent outside interference, introducing token validation to guard against Cross-Site Reference Fraud (CSRF) attacks.

Platform Improvements & Performance Enhancements

As part of our ongoing effort to improve speed and reliability on the Tamarac Platform, we are continuing to make enhancements under the hood. This table highlights improvements we made since our last release:

improvement made type of improvement

We have a new audit that helps us identify and resolve potential security-type errors earlier, helping you get cleaner data faster.


To get you data earlier in the day, we've made some changes under the hood that speed up the morning sync process, particularly for large firms.


We've improved a key calculation algorithm to speed up transaction processing time to get you accurate data faster.


Learn More - Watch the Release Video